Cameron Russell Urges Models To Come Forward And Seek Help For Sexual Abuse

With the support of other voices, prompted by allegations against Harvey Weinstein, men and women in lots of different industries are coming forward with their own horrifying recollections of sexual harassment and abuse.
Cameron Russell, model and activist, has helped to surface more stories by providing a space for it on her Instagram — spotlighting some terrible truths within the fashion industry and calling for an end to it.
Along with the very real hashtag #MyJobShouldNotIncludeAbuse, Cameron has shared almost 80 anonymous stories sent in by models and other workers that detail abuse. Cameron also does the right thing and warns women about participating in this space —it comes with a trigger warning and lots of information on self-care.
She has also explained that the people who’ve shared their stories have not given explicit permission to have them shared elsewhere. So, if reading these stories is important to you, you should visit her account direct.
Not that the onus should ever be on victims to explain and stand up against abuse — though somehow I don’t see perps owning up and changing things any time soon — it’s important for us all to be able to identify and speak up about shitty behaviour. Cameron posts more useful information here too.
If you need more information or assistance in dealing with assault in Australia, you can get lots of information from and
Photo: @cameronrussell