Jaden Smith Is Still Bragging About Being Tyler, The Creator’s Boyfriend
We would be too, tbh.

Last week, Jaden made headlines/our dreams come true when he Seth Cohened Tyler, the Creator at Camp Flog Gnaw. He declared: “I just want to say Tyler, the Creator is the best friend in the world and I love him so fucking much.”
“I want tell you guys something,” he continued. “I want to tell you. Tyler doesn’t want to say, but Tyler’s my mother f**king boyfriend, and he’s been my mother f**king boyfriend my whole f**king life. Tyler, the Creator is my f**king boyfriend. It’s true.” Be still my heart.
Unsure if this is Jaden riddles or if in earnest, the world reported the news in high awwwwws. Cementing the possibility of what could be true relationship goals, Jaden continues to brag about the love.
While at a Beat’s 1 Radio event promoting The Sunset Tapes: A Cool Tape Story on Friday, Jaden said: “I recently said that Tyler, the Creator is my boyfriend, and that’s true. So, just so you know.”
Cool <3