Your Real Parents Cardi B And Offset Have Broken Up

After a secret wedding about a year ago, Cardi B has announced her split with Offset the only way she ever could: in an insta video feat a lil bit of boobie and a lot of hair touching.
According to the post, the break up was chill. Phewf. “It’s nobody’s fault, I guess we grew out of love,” Cardi says. “It might take some time to get a divorce but I’ve always got a lot of love because he’s my daughter’s father.”
Strangely, Offset is seen in the comments saying “Y’all won.” Some people reckon he’s talking about pressure from the public eye and a way to bury cheating rumours, and some people reckon it’s a stunt to promote his new album. Offset also hinted at a couples album in a recent New York Times interview, so perhaps they’ve been planning a Beyoncé / Jay Z sitch for a while.