Meet The Musician: Allie X Is Your New Fave Goth Pop Queen
Girl of the Year.

Allie X is constantly evolving. Over the last few years, she’s changed her look, her hair colour, even her sound; but somehow, it always feels authentic. Her new record, Cape God, is a dark pop dream inspired by the documentary Heroin: Cape Cod, USA, her childhood illnesses (during which the Allie X character was created), gothic mazes, and the Celtic concept of “thin places.”
But despite the high concept, it’s a refreshingly raw album that feels twisted but somehow hopeful. Talking to Allie, you get kind of the same vibe—which is probably why her music feels so relatable. Because in a world of beach selfies, there’s also contravirus; and behind that perfect shot of your favourite influencer sitting front row at New York Fashion Week was the maxed out credit card and forty shots that it took to get it.
Name: Alexandra Ashley Hughes
Nickname: Allie
Star Sign: Leo
Where are you from and where do you live now?
I am from Toronto and I now live in Los Angeles.
What do you like to do outside of music?
Massages, swimming in lakes, reading, taking THC, eating, cooking, saunas, hanging out with my dog, taking baths, seeing really good films.
What inspires you?
My parents—both for different reasons—my partner, my fans, Miranda July, Angel Olsen, Haruki Murakami and my publicist Bobbie!
What was the last song you heard that really hit?
“All Mirrors” Angel Olsen

What’s the most personal song on Cape God?
All of them truly. This is my most personal record, but I think “Regulars,” if I had to pick one.
What was on your sonic moodboard when you were making the record?
Timber Timbre, The Cure, Cocteau Twins.
What else are you obsessed with right now?
Ghee, Skin Food by Weleda, Yay for Earth face balm, house plants, my king size bed/black out curtains, fashion and gay rights!
What’s the hardest part about your job?
Being objectified every day.
If your mum were to describe you, what would she say?
That I’m the strongest person she knows. But I don’t know if I’d agree.
What’s something about you that your mum doesn’t know?
All the dark dark stuff.

How important is fashion to the Allie X character?
Fashion is a protective vessel for me, and an expressive tool that helps me connect creative dots. So V important!
What’s one piece of clothing that’s super important to you and what’s the story behind it?
My coat that I stole from a Toronto thrift store. It’s one of the only things I’ve ever stolen and it’s lasted for 10 years. I wear it every winter. It’s been my friend for a long time.
How similar—and different—are you from the Allie X we see on stage?
I think people would say I’m more business-like then I seem on stage maybe?
If you could pick one movie to describe your life, which would you choose?
La Enfermedad Del Domingo doesn’t describe my life literally, but I relate deeply to a lot of the subject matter
What would be your dream gig?
Headlining Glastonbury, or doing a campaign with one of my favourite designers.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Peaceful and compassionate.

Photography: Logan White
Styling: Kieley Kimmel
Hair: Timothy Aylward using Bumble and Bumble @ The Wall
Makeup: Abigail Hayden