ICYMI Thigh High Crocs Just Broke Twitter
Fashion imitates life.

There’s no denying that things are BAD rn. And just when you thought things couldn’t get much bleaker, someone made thigh high Crocs. YUP.
Twitter practically broke earlier this week when a user uploaded a digital rendering of what might be the most controversial shoe in the history of footwear — nevermind that it doesn’t actually exist.
Of course, fashion has embraced the Croc with platform Balenciaga and crystal Christopher Kane versions; Crocs have also gone goth and gotten the KFC-treatment as a companion piece to our problematic fav, the Kentucky Fried bucket hat. We didn’t even shudder when Post-Malone did a Croc collab, and honestly, when Ariana Grande wore Crocs with socks, we wanted to wear Crocs with socks too.
At one point, it even seemed that Crocs were over when, two years ago, the brand announced it would be shuddering all of its manufacturing plants. Naturally, the world freaked out, so they changed their mind and it’s only been uphill for the world’s most fashionable yet ugliest shoe (and sometimes glove?).
So, when @susamarulovesu debuted their Croc creation, the internet was obviously shook.

I mean, I can deal with a lot of things, but here we are, currently in a global pandemic, there are natural disasters happening around the globe, I haven’t left my tiny apartment in almost two months… How does the saying go? That fashion imitates life?
Image: Twitter