Leo Season Is Here: Tarotscopes To Get You Ready For The New Moon


The world is full of chaos: Kanye West premiered Donda, lockdowns are back in place all over the world thanks to the new Delta variant… Basically, we’re long overdue for some good, healing energy. That’s why we called Brandon Alter from LA-based healing duo, The Spiritual Gayz, to give us all the goss on what we can expect for Leo Season. Read on for some epic tarotscopes, just in time for the New Moon.

After a month of deep lunar feels courtesy of Cancer Season, it’s time to shine — that’s what Leo Season wants out of all of us. Leo is the sign in which the Sun feels most at home. And so, in Leo Season, we must explore our own Sun and learn how it wants to be expressed. 
Every sign has its signature. The Leo Sun sparkles with drama, the Taurus Sun radiates stability and security, the Scorpio Sun is a shadow sun that vibrates with intensity. Learning how your Sun wants to shine is one of the key factors of living your chart. So, that’s exactly what we’re going to do! 

It’s important to note that no two Suns are exactly the same. Some are conjunct Mercury, others oppose Pluto, some square Saturn or trine Jupiter. Some stand alone. The infinite combinations of Sun + Sign + House + Aspects make the Sun in your chart a unique expression of your soul. And if there’s one thing I know, it’s that we must relearn our soul’s essence if we want to be our most authentic.

The thing about identity is that it isn’t fixed. Our identities are fluid, they change over time. And if we don’t keep checking in with who we are, we might find that we are just vomming up an old version of ourselves that no longer serve us. The New Moon in Leo offers us a chance to truly put ourselves first and re-discover who we really are. Maybe being an Aquarius Sun isn’t what you thought it was in your twenties. Maybe the stability your Capricorn Sun wants is less about career and more about inner peace. Time to let your Sun re-introduce itself. After all, you’ve been through a lot… And your Sun has, too.

I was reading this very far out book about alien abductions recently (what do you want from me? I’m an Aquarius Sun!) But in the book, one of the abductees shared that the way she fended off the alien’s attempts to control her was to “make her own sound.” Literally. She claimed she had a sound inside herself, a singular tone, that she’d been able to resonate within herself since childhood. So, she made this sound and it essentially asserted her agency with the aliens and forced them to back TF off. I mention this because the idea of one’s own sound resonates beautifully with Leo Season. This New Moon, you need to ask yourself: what is my unique sound? What is my soul’s song? Is it more Lana Del Rey? Or Tyler The Creator?

The Sun in your birth chart can help you understand your true nature more clearly, and Leo Season is the time for you to explore openly. If it sounds selfish or self-indulgent, good — ego isn’t always the enemy. Leos have a reputation for making it all about them, but there’s a time and a place for everything.

On the other side, the shadow of all this Leo energy is no secret. Self-absorption and self-aggrandisement are rampant in our world and we keep seeing them play out in politics and the Real Housewives. Balance is key. We cannot lose ourselves in other people but we also can’t forget our place in the larger family of beings. A healthy ego respects the egos of others. Just think of Leo icon Jennifer Lopez — she doesn’t assert dominance over others, she empowers them. Inspires them. And her ego led to “Jenny From The Block,” so… I told you. It doesn’t always have to be toxic.

At its core, Leo energy is heart energy, the heat of love, the courageous fire that burns within and refuses to be extinguished. When Leo energy is high-vibe, it commands attention; when it’s low-vibe, it demands it. But maybe Leos aren’t so much drama queens as they are super sized feelers. Life feels big to them and so they have no other way to express themselves… Especially now, when the world feels like its closing in, Leo energy can actually help us expand our sense of self and our place in the cosmos.

If you want the Spark Notes version, just remember this: Leo is the Sun, which is a star, a star that shines brightly AF, lights up a whole solar system, organises it and keeps it swirling… But it’s still one star. The opposite sign of Leo, Aquarius, is represented by the starry night sky — constellations of stars and galaxies. Meditating on one star in a constellation helps me understand this dynamic more clearly. We must shine in the ways that only we can, but not without realising we live among other shiny, pretty people. Together, our stars in sequence create cosmic pictures, tell celestial stories… They inspire, and most importantly, they guide us out of the darkness.

The also give us the Zodiac. Without the Sun, the visible planets, we wouldn’t have Astrology. So, this is not the time to dim your light. But it’s also not the time to shine so bright you burn TF out.

Below, I’ve put together Tarotscopes for your sign — think of it as some tips and tricks to help keep you hot this Leo Season. They’re meant to help you make the most of the New Moon. And with all this talk about the Sun, start by reading your Sun Sign. If you’re hungry for more, feel free to read on for your rising and Moon Sign.


Nine of Swords (Reversed)

The essence of Leo, the Cosmic Lion, is courage.The Nine of Swords shows us someone in the throws of fear, wide awake and anxious in the wee hours of the morning. But the fact that this card came in upside down suggests that the Leo Sun knows how to hold fear back, how to keep it from coming in and fucking up everything. To me, this sounds like the true definition of bravery: not the absence of fear, but rather moving forward in spite of it. Maybe there’s even a wisdom in fear, if we know how to harness it. Instead of moving through the world in a way that avoids the things that trip us out, what if we made decisions based on the opposite? Could fear be a divining rod that actually leads us in the right direction?

Spend these next few weeks doing the things that scare you: setting boundaries, speaking up for yourself, trying something new, making that decision you’ve been dreading… Though, if it’s Kanye West and his Donda livestream that brings you fear, you have my permission to opt out. For everything else, let fear teach you, compel you, push you into your next phase.


Eight of Cups (Reversed)

The essence of Virgo, the Celestial Healer, is being of service. The Virgo Sun shines healing wherever it goes, it can’t help it. And healing happens in layers. It’s a curious, non-linear process that forces us to trust what we feel, not what we know. The Eight of Cups shows a figure walking away from the eight vessels it once cherished dearly. This card suggests that your heart has evolved; that the things you once relied on are no longer of value. Healing does that. It changes us and forces us out into the world seeking new avenues of satisfaction.
This card is upside down, though, which suggests you may be holding on, resistant to walking away. Maybe you’ve over-identified with what’s wounded in you instead of what’s healed. Maybe you got used to being wounded and moving in artificial ways that kept your tender spots safely hidden.

But the Eight of Cups in this case tells us that we must let go. We must abandon these perfectly good cups because they no longer quench our thirst, even if they’re still beautiful… Or vintage Dior. Sometimes we walk away because we feel in our heart the time has come to move on. Listen to that instinct.


Knight of Swords

The essence of Libra, the Cosmic Peacekeeper, is balance. Libra energy knows how to equalise and stabilise. It’s the annoying AF friend that sees an issue from all sides — you want them to agree with you, but you also know they’re right. And when you calm down, you appreciate that ability. Perhaps that’s why the Knight of Swords is here for you this month: you need a little reminder. The Knight of Swords gives us permission to change our minds, especially when we start to feel rigid, dogmatic and overly positional.

Think about what you wanted to be when you grew up. Aren’t you glad you changed your mind? Or else we’d all be astronauts or tennis players or presidents. Just because you used to believe something was true doesn’t mean you’re held hostage to it. Go ahead, change your mind… Unless it’s about the new Givenchy Resort collection. You were right the first time — it’s perfect.

This month, think of this energy as a huge tornado, like the one that whisks Dorothy all the way to Oz. Except in your case, it’s clearing your mind clear of anything that feels wooden and antiquated, most importantly, any old beliefs you have about yourself. Repeat after me: there’s no place like self-acceptance.


King of Cups (Reversed)

The essence of Scorpio, the Celestial Detective, is discovery. Scorpio energy wants to dig deep and won’t rest until it’s unearthed everything. Often this energy wants to expose what’s hidden and bring light to dark places. The King of Cups, as the healer of the Tarot, shares resonance with this sign. Both are comfortable holding space for the pain, shame and the trauma of others. Both are hard to scare.

But since this card came in upside down, the invitation would be to start setting boundaries. Be careful of playing the healer for others when it’s you who really needs mending. Caring for others does not equal self-care. And when you’re constantly healing others, you can end up left without any medicine for yourself. There’s a reason they tell you to put on your own oxygen mask first. Sometimes, we just need to say no. Not because we don’t want to, but because we just don’t have it to give. Instead, give to yourself this month. Do like Scorpio King Drake and focus on your “Wants And Needs.”


Nine of Cups

The essence of Sagittarius, the Cosmic Seeker, is adventure. This is an energy that wants to explore, learn and grow. Never one to stay anywhere for too long, wanderlust is a major Sag turn on. The Nine of Cups is a card that suggests solitude but not loneliness — a perfect companion for a sign that needs to keep moving to stay engaged. At its essence, Sagittarius wants to know the truth, but the truth isn’t an intellectual proposition — it’s a heartfelt revelation.

The Nine of Cups wants to bring you back into your heart, so you can rediscover what truly makes you happy. It suggests an avenue of fulfilment that only you can navigate. This month, try to discern your true desires from those society has foisted upon you. If you can pull out the thread of your own longing and then satisfy it, you will taste a freedom you can only imagine from a Lana Del Rey music video.

Seek to make yourself laugh, seek to entertain your own whims — and ignore those who don’t understand. Remember: not everyone ‘got’ Norman Fucking Rockwell. But like Lana, you are both performer and audience, self-reliant and self-assured. This is it, so have a ball.


Six of Cups

The essence of Capricorn, the Celestial Builder, is structure. This is an energy that craves stability, not just for today, but for the future. It thrives under pressure and cannot help but unleash its ambition on all it encounters. That’s why it’s no surprise that Michelle Obama, LeBron James and Timothée Chalamet are all Capricorns. But remember: our ambition isn’t always our best friend. It can be a hungry monster who compels us to keep feeding it, even as we starve.

I offer this up, not to pour cold water on your dreams, but rather to make sure the source of your dreaming is genuine. The Six of Cups shows us offering a cup of tenderness to our inner child. It’s a card that indicates the time is now to commit to healing our past so the future is clear. If our ambition is rooted in shame, overcompensation or pain — it’s a loop without end. But if our ambition is impelled by the heart, it can achieve impossible things. I mean, Dolly Parton is also a Capricorn.

Spend this month diving inwards and exploring your wounds with curiosity and compassion. Try honouring the child in you as opposed to the adult. Seek play and follow a path of delight worthy of Blue Ivy Carter (an another iconic Cap, obvi).


The World (Reversed)

The essence of Aquarius, the Cosmic Voyeur, is innovation. This is an energy that must allow their uniqueness to pave their way in the world. Both The Weeknd and Harry Styles are Aquariuses. Not interested in the status quo or what’s come before, Aquarius energy seeks to inspire through strangeness. With Jupiter and Saturn currently traversing the electric landscape of this sign, it’s no surprise that a powerhouse card like the World would emerge.

The World suggests major completions, cycles ending, births, deaths, weddings, graduations. But reversed (aka upside-down), the card takes on a different meaning: it wants to usher you into your own power to end things and begin again. What aspects of your identity are no longer alive? What old stories about yourself are played out? I’m sensing a theme this Leo season.

Where we resist necessary endings we find ourselves languishing in limbo. Find the courage to say goodbye to outdated versions of yourself, knowing that bright beginnings are hidden in all endings. Just remember: if Bowie never got rid of Ziggy Stardust, we never would’ve gotten Station To Station.


Knight of Wands (Reversed)

The essence of Pisces, the Celestial Dreamer, is imagination. This is an energy that is more there than here, more mermaid than fisherman. A poet, a painter, a true romantic — see: Pisces queen Olivia Rodrigo — Pisces lives in a feeling state that brings both intuition and delusion in equal measure (have you listened to Sour?). Pisces energy is magnetic, not unlike The Knight of Wands: the one who always turns heads when they walk in the room. Abundantly charismatic, they hold nothing back and give of themselves freely.

The Knight of Wands is you when you allow yourself to be your most dynamic self. But since the card came in upside down, there might be some judgement or shame keeping you from experiencing yourself in this way. Your job on planet Earth is to be you, as fully as you can. If other people don’t like it, they will still be inspired by it. Again, just look at Olivia Rodrigo.

This month, give yourself permission to express more of yourself. Surprise yourself with how many fucks you can not give… You might even write a best selling album. Even if you don’t, the more you express yourself, the better you will feel. And if you don’t know where to start, just listen to Rodrigo.


The Empress

The essence of Aries, the Cosmic Ram, is leadership. This is an energy that wants to get there first, hates waiting in line and knows how to get it done… Quickly. Mariah Fucking Carey is an Aries. As the first sign of the Zodiac, this energy is inspired and inspiring in its ability to engage with the world and assert its dominance over it… Just like Mimi. Never one to back down from a fight (or a fuck), this energy wants to play, wrestle and win.

The Empress, on the other hand, wants to enjoy. She lingers in her garden, savouring the beauty of the moment. What they both have in common is a surplus of passion. But Aries could learn from the Venutian touch of the Empress. She allows where Aries wants to force. She seeks a path of grace, Aries a path of power. In other words… “I don’t know her.” This month, see where the softer touch actually completes the job more efficiently. And above all, make sure you infuse all you do with the joy of why you wanted to be doing it in the first place. Passion is the life-blood of the Aries, don’t neglect it. Basically, channel MC circa The Emancipation of Mimi.



The essence of Taurus, the Celestial Jewel, is growth. This is an energy that wants to root deep and move slowly. As the first Earth sign of the Zodiac, Taurus want to celebrate and luxuriate in all of the physical pleasures available, from gardening to shopping to sex (hellooooo Taurus titans Cher and Janet Jackson! Also, Megan Fox is a Taurus, and if her new relationship with MGK is any indication, she definitely enjoys the pleasure around her). TBH, Taurus just longs to enjoy and loves to linger. But the Strength card redirects that attention from the outer world to our inner one.

Strength shows up as an invitation to listen to our heart, who quietly cries out, ‘There has to be more to life than this.’ It’s easy to assume that success, status, money, fame or a shoe palace (or all of the above for Cher and Ms. Jackson) will satisfy our deeper yearnings. But the hard truth is that those only scratch the surface. This card is telling you to seek out the inner fortitude to turn away from the world and tune into your heart. What you actually want for yourself may be closer than you think — in fact, you might already have it.


Knight of Pentacles (Reversed)

The essence of Gemini, the Cosmic Charmer, is curiosity. This is an energy that wants to communicate, tell stories and understand the world through their mind. As the first Air Sign of the Zodiac, Gemini energy is interested in identity and possibility, always willing to try it another way, always wanting to have their cake and eat it, too. It’s an energy that is quick, clever and hard to pin down. And that might be why the Knight of Pentacles has appeared for you this month.

The Knight of Pentacles is slow and steady, deeply grounded and fully committed to the manifestation of their dreams. This is the true builder of the Tarot, who knows how to take a vision and make it real. Perhaps you are in need of some of this energy right now… Though these vibes are probably never bad for a Gemini! In this case, the card is saying that you know what you want, so stop waffling — and I’m not talking about the Prada Re-Edition 2000 mini-bag (but stop waffling on that, too — you know it’s better than the 2005 version). Remember, it may take work and it may take time, but if you are committed to the dream, there’s no way it can’t happen. So, instead of spending your considerable mental power on back-up plans and worst case scenarios, use your gifts to hone in on how what you want, wants you too. And go get that Prada!


The Sun

The essence of Cancer, the Celestial Mother, is intuition. This is an energy that answers to the Moon herself. Like the Ocean this cosmic crab came from, Cancer energy can be changeable and moody, powerfully emotional and deeply informed by the psychic pull of the past (remember, ICYMI Lana Del Rey is actually a Cancer). Because this sign is ruled by the Moon, Cancers can tend to hide in their inner chambers and seek the comfort of safe havens. But the Sun card wants you to step out into the light.

This month, instead of answering to the Moon, the Sun wants to rule you. It wants to take you out into the brightness of day and expose your beauty and bravery. You’re such a natural nurturer that you might forget to let other people nurture you. Channel some Leo vibes this month and let others celebrate you for a change. Challenge yourself to express and receive more. The Sun seeks to lavish you with simple joys and bountiful optimism, but you must be open to receive it. Focus on opening up your hard crabby shell and it’ll be worth it. Promise.


THE SPIRITUAL GAYZ are Brandon Alter and Angel Lopez, healers, husbands, teachers and mystics for the modern age. With their combined experience of over forty years of Tarot and Astrology expertise, they aim to demystify the mystical and make spiritual practice accessible and effective. Through their podcast and their Spirit School, their goal is to create safe spaces for queer people of all kinds to gather together in spirit.


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