Wrap Sheet: Dion Lee Busts Open MBFWA With Full Aussie Vibes
It begins!

Welcome to MBFWA 2017! So glad you could join us for another year of good fashion, good friends and good times. We’ll be covering the goings-on live from Carriageworks all week on the @oystermagazine and @mbfw Instagram accounts. But to kick things off, here’s a little wrap up of the Dion Lee’s ‘Strayan MBFWA opener.
Aussie fash hero Dion Lee opened this year’s MBFWA in true Aussie style. Models trotted out and around the ~iconic~ sails of our Sydney Opera House, wearing very beautiful fashions up top and RM Williams boots down low. Dion also sent boys down the runway for the first time.
First thoughts:
The pieces had a slightly more relaxed feel than usual, flowing hemlines complimented very well by the gentle breeze on the harbour. That’s not to say that tidy tailoring was ignored — Dion showed some tricked out suiting, strappy and foldy dresses and shiny trenches among the chiffon and slouchy knits.
The girls:
The boys!
Feels like:

Looks like:
Ranger Stacey vibes

Sounds like:
The verdict:
Strong start. A+ would buy again.
Photos: Hunter Ryan